Girl's Camp..... Not What I Expected
Yep. That's right. It was nothing like what I had expected. It was BETTER. I had the privilege of being asked to speak to 130 young women age 12-18 at their annual Young Women's Girls Camp this week. This is a time when the girls get to go camping for 5 days, each summer, with the peers in their church within their community, and are able to bond with one another, while at the same time, learn valuable skills of survival in the outdoors, as well as draw closer to their Heavenly Father while basking in the creation of this beautiful planet. They are also able to have leadership responsibilities as well as opportunities to be an example to each other of Christ-like living. It really is a wonderful opportunity for them to learn and grow and define who they are. And what they are, is amazing. I witnessed that first hand. I was asked to speak on a particular subject, in what is called "Destiny" where the girls, in small groups at a time, come t...