Summer Vacation...... can hardly wait!
As the years go by, and the more children I have in school full time, the more READY I am for summer vacation. I was reading a blog post of a friend who was explaining how she needed to appreciate each summer home with her kids. I felt like I needed to do the same thing. Writing things down usually helps me appreciate my circumstances better.
I am a routine kind of person. I like a schedule, I like things to be done orderly, and I like consistency. But when the end of May nears.... I am SO ready for none of that.
Here in Oregon, school doesn't get out until around mid June. The kids are ready, by Memorial Day, to be DONE with school; and so am I.
* I look forward to not having to get out of bed by 6 a.m. to wake my oldest up. (He insists that he arise at 6 a.m...... I'm determined to get him an alarm clock that won't break or die before September).
* I am glad to be done with homework for a few short months.
* I will not miss packing lunches every day, and hearing the kids fight about who gets what chips.
But what I DO look forward to is......
* The hikes we will take every week, exploring Oregon
* The lazy days of sleeping in, and not racing to catch the bus
* Basketball camp, Cub Scout day camp, Boy Scout camp, and maybe a trip to California
* Hanging out with my kids (after they've done their 30 minutes of summer school) THEY will definitely not be looking forward to THAT!
* And last, but not least, sending them off to school again come day after Labor Day, 'cause by then, I will be ready to send them off and look forward again, to routine, a schedule, and consistency.
Funny how that works out; always so ready for summer when May rolls around, and by end of August, ready to send them off again. Don't get me wrong. I love my kiddos. But somehow, I think they're ready for routine too, as much as I am.
We'll go through the motions for yet another year; learning to get along with new friends, deciding that hot lunches are just really gross, figuring out where the best spot to sit on the bus is, realizing that the current grade we're in is tougher than the last one, bring home gobs of fundraiser catalogs that just end up in the garbage the moment I take them out of their back packs, and so on and so forth.
But for now, I can't wait for summer to officially begin. Mother Nature? The sun would help if you don't mind. We Oregonians don't take the sun for granted, and we kind of feel jipped from this so called Spring we had. I plan on making the best of each moment at home with all quatro kids. (Although I have a feeling I'll need to remind myself why it is I was longing for summer) And before I know it, they'll be gone again. Like my friend in her blog said...."This is the only summer I have with my 11, 9, 6, and 3 year old." Let the good times roll!
We have a heavy duty alarm clock in the garage Hunter is more than welcome to have. That thing has fallen on the floor, and had a drink/ice cream spilled on it many times and it still lives! Still crossing my fingers for the sun to come out- it doesnt feel like summer without it!